We want Jodi.live to be seen as useful, classy, and trustworthy.
We wouldn't be able to realize this objective unless we first created a safe and comfortable environment for our users.
With that in mind, we have prepared a simple code of conduct for all our users, and we ask that you abide by it if you want to use our site.
I will ensure the following:
Users will be reprimanded if they indulge in harassing behavior towards others on the platform and the Jodi365 team.
Harassment includes:
Any action that alarms, annoys, threatens, intimidates or make our users uncomfortable will not be taken lightly. Jodi.live will investigate these concerns as soon as possible. Harassing users will warrant either a warning or his/her account will be blocked for a period of time, depending on the severity of the circumstance. Should we continue to see stock of inappropriate activity, the user in question will be permanently blocked from our platform. We do not tolerate harassment of any form.
Please notify on our customer support line immediately, if need be. Violation of these Terms could possibly result in your account being taken off the platform.
Any user who is involved in fraudulent or illegal activity will be penalized in the form of a permanent ban.
Under no circumstance is human trafficking or other types of sexual exploitation allowed, generally and on Jodi.live. Users committing such heinous acts on this platform will be permanently banned.
Jodi.live users are not allowed to have duplicate accounts on the platform.
Please keep your account details confidential.
Jodi.live does not conduct criminal background checks on its users. We encourage our users to be cautious of their matches and to do their own due diligence, before taking it to the next step.